Needlerock Ditch Headgate

Ralston Creek Flume

A Frame Weir

Applegate Group, Inc.

Water Resource Advisors and Engineers

We’ve been trusted by private companies, ditch companies, water districts, municipalities, and state and federal government agencies since 1985. How can we help you solve your water issues today?

About Us

Applegate Group, Inc. is an employee owned Water Resources Engineering firm that has served Colorado and the Western United States since 1985. Our professional staff of engineers and hydrologists who work with clients like to not only understand your individual projects, but your business as a whole. Our expertise lies in water planning, water rights engineering, water policy, and development of water infrastructure to ensure access to a continuous supply of clean water. We engineer water resource solutions and oversee the construction and maintenance of the systems as well. 

2022 Calendar

The 2022 Colorado’s Historic Water Projects Calendar, featuring the work of photographer Richard Stenzel, is the 18th in a series of historic project calendars that Applegate Group has distributed since 2005. Applegate Group believes that water is Colorado’s most valuable resource, and it is important that we know the history of Colorado’s water project developments. Photography from previous calendars are featured on this website.